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Casey Anthony: Not Guilty Kids Activities Blog

Not GUILTY were the words echoed from declension to coast on Tuesday, July 5th from the courtroom in Orlando, Florida.

On Tuesday,  Casey Anthony was acquitted of the murder of her young daughter, Caylee Anthony by a jury of her peers. A jury that consisted of seven women and five men.

Casey Anthony wept afterward the clerk read the verdict, which jurors reached after beginning deliberations on July 4, 2011 shortly subsequently apex. The jury deliberated for ten hours, 40 minutes and 33 seconds before finding Ms. Anthony not guilty of kickoff-caste murder in the 2008 death of her 2-year-sometime daughter, Caylee.

The 25-yr-one-time was charged with first-degree murder, which could accept brought the death sentence if she had been convicted.

Instead, she was convicted of simply four counts of lying to investigators looking into the June 2008 disappearance of her daughter Caylee. Her body was constitute in the woods six months later and a medical examiner was never able to decide how she died. Although on the stand during testimony the medical examiner, Dr. G determined that the fashion of death (what caused Caylee to die) could not be determined, however, the method of death (the circumstances surrounding the decease) was homicide. She went on to say  that if a person is concerned with a child'due south death, specifically those who take a duty and obligation to intendance for the kid aka a parent, will not wait 31 days to written report an injury to a child, they volition not discard the body in the fashion that Caylee was discarded as though she was a piece of trash,  and in that location is  no reason for duct tape to exist place on a child'due south head in whatever state of affairs. I thought this was powerful testimony and I however cannot wrap my mind effectually the non guilty verdict.

The prosecution did an amazing job laying out the prove and keeping the memory of little Caylee alive. I was and then impressed with both Linda Drane-Burdick and Jeff Ashton. They complemented one some other's styles and were very precise in laying out the timelines, witnesses and evidence. They did their job for justice. For Caylee.  Information technology's unfortunate information technology wasn't served, only not due to whatsoever lack of effort on the Country of Florida and the prosecution squad. I do hope they will be able to keep to hold their heads high.


Casey Anthony was found guilty on four counts of lying to law enforcement. She volition most likely exist released on time served by the stop of the calendar week.

Were you surprised past the verdict? What do you remember will come of Casey Anthony's life? What bear on do you recall it volition accept on her family going forrard?
