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Angular 2 How to Handle Browser Close Event

Juri Strumpflohner

Juri StrumpflohnerFollow Juri is a full stack developer and tech lead with a special passion for the web and frontend development. He creates online videos for, writes articles on his blog and for tech magazines, speaks at conferences and holds training workshops. Juri is also a recognized Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies

Angular: How do I get a reference to the window object?

Learn how to inject the window object into your Angular components

3 min read

Remember the $window object in Angular 1? Turned out to be quite useful from now and then. But what about Angular? $window doesn't exist there. What's the alternative? How can I inject the Window object into my Angular components?

Contents are based on Angular version >= 2

Referencing global browser objects like document or window directly from within your code is possible, but not encouraged and considered bad practice.

Table of contents

You want to register only events on window or document? Then you may want to read this also:

Learn about @HostListener and host binding properties to register event listeners on the document object


Especially Angular isn't only designed to run within your browser, but also on mobiles, the server or web workers where objects like window may not be available.
Therefore the suggested approach is to wrap such objects and inject them through the dependency injection mechanism. This way it is possible to change the concrete runtime instance of a given object based on the environment the Angular application is running. The result we wanna achieve is the following:

                          ...              import              {              WindowRef              }              from              './WindowRef'              ;              @              Component              ({...})              class              MyComponent              {              constructor              (              private              winRef              :              WindowRef              )              {              // getting the native window obj                                          console              .              log              (              'Native window obj'              ,              winRef              .              nativeWindow              );              }              }                      

So let's see.

Wrapping window

A very straightforward and easy way to wrap window is by creating an Angular service. That's as easy as creating an ES6 class and decorating it with @Injectable.

                          import              {              Injectable              }              from              '@angular/core'              ;              function              _window              ()              :              any              {              // return the global native browser window object                                          return              window              ;              }              @              Injectable              ()              export              class              WindowRef              {              get              nativeWindow              ()              :              any              {              return              _window              ();              }              }                      

Register WindowRef as provider

Great, so far we've wrapped our window object. We aren't ready yet, however. We first need to register our injectable service. This is done by registering it on the NgModule's providers array or directly on the component, based on the scope of our provider. Check out the official docs on providers for more details.

                          import              {              WindowRef              }              from              './WindowRef'              ;              ...              @              NgModule              ({              ...              providers              :              [              WindowRef              ]              })              export              class              AppModule              {}                      

Try it yourself

Great, we're ready. You can now inject the WindowRef into your Angular components and get access to the native window object.

Here's a Plunker to play around with:

You want to register only events on window or document? Then you may want to read this also:

Learn about @HostListener and host binding properties to register event listeners on the document object


Questions? Thoughts? Hit me up on Twitter

Angular 2 How to Handle Browser Close Event
